Sunday, May 22, 2011

About Me

I am on a quest.  A journey that will hopefully help me find relevance for an old language in a modern world.  In a world significance is of the utmost importance, I’m on a hunt for the application of Latin in our society.

“certum est quia impossible est”  (“It is certain because it is impossible” -Tertullian)

I have an interest in teaching Latin in school.  I’m not just looking at private schools; I’m looking at making Latin an interest at any school. 

I took Latin in high school.  There I enjoyed the language, but I have to say other than the historical aspect of the Romans, I honestly didn’t learn much about the benefits of Latin.  I wish I had had even an inkling of how Latin can be used in our contemporary society.

Fas est et ab hoste doceri (“It is right to be taught even by an enemy.” – Ovid)

Later in college, I took Japanese.  I found it interesting and I saw the relevance and use of the language in the “real world.”  But it was a fleeting fancy; I really didn’t want to follow it through.  Funny enough, one day, years later, I read a book, The Lake of Dead Languages.  I remembered my interest in Latin.  It had Latin throughout the book; it was about a Latin teacher and her students.  With the job I hold now, I enjoy training my employees.  I like teaching.  I thought about it, I want to teach, more specifically, I want to teach Latin!

“assiduus usus uni rei deditus et ingenium et artem saepe vincit.” (“Constant practice devoted to one subject often outdoes both intelligence and skill.” –Cicero)

Now I’m learning Latin.  My biggest issue is making it worthwhile and fun for my future Latin students.

Most of the people in the United States look at school courses, hobbies, and jobs as how they best benefit them.  Like in sales, the idea of feature, function, benefit is what we look for.  What it is, what it does, and what it does for them. 

So here I am and what better place to find modern uses than with a modern source, the Internet.  This blog will be here for me to place my research and what I have found that might hold some relevance for students.  I want to make this accessible to anyone with an interest in Latin.  I also hope that I will be able to use this blog in a Latin course I teach.

“dimidium facti qui coepit habet” (“He who has begun has the work half done”  -Horace)


  1. Thanks for the post! I've always been fascinated by language and its evolution over time. Latin is one of those languages that just sounds cool, we need to make sure it's never forgotten.

  2. I think this is a great idea! I totally agree that Latin is still relevant today. I just takes ones person to gain followers, especially someone who is passionate and knowledgable about it.

  3. Thank you John and Nicki B. I enjoy the language very much. I hope to shed new light on the subject as well as learn more about it myself. I hope to use this later in my own class.
